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Q: What keeps the temperature from dropping below freezing in India?
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Related questions

How long does it take for fresh water to freeze?

Many variables affect the freezing of " fresh water ". It depends on the surface temperature of " fresh water ", whether still or moving, and the rate of the air temperature dropping below freezing.

What keeps the temperature in southern India from going below freezing?

The Tall Mountains Block The Cold Air

What is sub freezing temperature?

temperature below freezing point of water.

Temperature below freezing means snow?

Snow does occur when temperature is below freezing because snow is just frozen rain . Lets say it rains , and the temperature is below freezing , that rain would become snow . So temperature below freezing means having snow is true .

Why does rainfall occur in India during winter?

Rain occurs when water is evaporated in the sky and the clouds can not contain anymore water. When it is below freezing temperature it is snow, but when it is above freezing temperature it is rain. In India it is hot in winter and summer. So it will rain instead of snow.

Water drops that fall when the temperature is below freezing fall as?

Water drops that fall when the temperature is below freezing, fall as SNOW . Water drops that fall when the temperature is above freezing fall as RAIN .

What is below permafrost?

Below permafrost is below freezing temperature (0c)

What conditions are required for it to sleet?

ground temperature below freezing, and air temperature slightly above freezing.

Can your electric get disconnected when the temperature is below freezing?


What is the coldest temperature past freezing point?

The coldest temperature below freezing point is -273 degrees centigrade

What is the name for waterdrops that fall when the temperature is below freezing and the water become solid?

Depending on the temperature, water drops that fall when the temperature is below freezing can become sleet, ice, or snow.

How many degrees is negative 3 degrees Fahrenheit below the freezing temperature of water?

In Fahrenheit the freezing temperature is 32 degrees. negative three degrees would be 35 degrees below freezing.