

What kept Hitler from attacking Poland?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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Two reasons; 1. Poland was an allie of the United nations; attacking Poland would officaily start a war. 2. Russia was on the other side of Poland; Hitler did not have the resources to attack Russia and if he did it would lead to his downfall.

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Q: What kept Hitler from attacking Poland?
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Hitler began his campaign with attacking Poland on September 1, 1939.

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He started WW2 in 1939, attacking Poland on 1st September

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he invaded a little radio station in Poland. he clamed that they were talking about taking over Germany. So France and England became involved. also his men pretended to be polish and said that Germany was attacking Poland so the the polish started attacking Germany and that is how Hitler caused World War 2. it was also because he was tring to get power and England and France were alied with Poland and so they thought it was going too far

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He used a style of warfare called blitzkrieg(lightning war) which involved attacking by surprise and pushing hard to achieve victory

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Germany used 'Blitzkreig' in attacking Poland.

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Nazi Germany invaded Poland in 1939 (the Polish-German war of 1939). This marked the beginning of WWII, European Theatre.

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After Hitler Invaded Poland because Britan had a alliance with Poland

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no. Hitler invaded many weak countries close to Germany before attacking Poland.

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When Hitler invaded Poland.