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Q: What key feature helped the ottoman military defeat other armies in the region?
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What new empire was created by the Arab armies defeat of constinople?

Constantinople was not taken by the Arabs. It was taken by the Ottoman Turks who established the Ottoman Empire

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Arab Nationalism rose to prominence with the weakening and defeat of the (non-Arab) Ottoman Empire in the early 20th century and declined after the defeat of the Arab armies in the Six Day War.

Where did the Ottoman Empire suffer a major defeat in 1683?

The defeat of the Ottoman Army outside the gates of Vienna 300 years ago is usually regarded as the beginning of the decline of the Ottoman Empire.

How did advances in military technology after the Industrial Revolution affect European empires?

Answer this question… They allowed small European armies to defeat larger African and Asian forces when invading territory.

How was the defeat of the Ottoman Empire a hallow vitory?

the ottoman empire was defeated because somebody wanted it to be gone

What contributed to the ottomans territorial expansion?

The Ottoman Empire succeed in expanding because they let people keep their own beliefs. Its strong military was able to defeat other nations. :)

How did advances in military technology after the industrial revolution European empires?

Answer this question… They allowed small European armies to defeat larger African and Asian forces when invading territory.

What contributed to the Ottomans empire's territorial expansion?

The Ottoman Empire succeed in expanding because they let people keep their own beliefs. Its strong military was able to defeat other nations. :)

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The Greeks prevailing over Persian expansionism gave to the Greeks confidence in their military arms to defeat Persian armies/navies .

What was a goal of the Allies' Gallipoli Campaign?

To defeat the Ottoman Empire, which was fighting on the side of the Central Powers (Germany, Austria).

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In its most basic form, Carl Von Clausewitz defined the total defeat of an enemy as military operations that were not necessarily political, although the defeat of the enemy would have political effects. But before the political ramifications were realized, Clausewitz defined total victory as the destruction of the enemy's armies and the conquest of its territory.

What people caused the final defeat of the Byzantine Empire?

The Ottoman Turks.