

What kind of a plant is a potato?

Updated: 11/19/2022
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Q: What kind of a plant is a potato?
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What kind of plant omnivores eat?

Omnivores can eat all kinds of plant, as long as it is not poisonous to their system, such as the leaves of the potato plant.

What insect has orange body with black legs found on potato plant?

some kind

What kind of potato plants have white flowers?

Most potato plants have white flowers. Sweet potatoes are the only potato plants without white flowers. (they have no flowers)

Is Potato plant a herb or sherb plant?

Neither. A potato is a plant with the potato in the ground under a green top.

Can you eat potato from a decorative potato plant?

No, it is not recommended to eat potatoes from a decorative potato plant. Decorative potato plants are often grown for their ornamental value and may have been treated with pesticides or other chemicals that make them unsafe for consumption. It's best to stick to edible potato varieties for eating purposes.

What kind of cell is a potato?

A potato is not a cell, so a potato is not any kind of cell.

Is a potato an angiosperm plant?

Yes, a potato is an angiosperm plant. Angiosperms are flowering plants that produce seeds enclosed within a fruit, which is what potatoes develop from.

Where is the disaccharide sucrose found in a potato plant?

The Disaccharide Sucrose found in a potato plant is in the flesh of the potato. The potato is nearly 100% starch and carbohydrates that produce sugars in the body.

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Potato is which part of the plant-?

The part of the potato plant we eat is called the tuber, which is actually an enlarged underground stem.

Is it legal to plant a potato?


Is a potato a plant cell or animal cell?

I am assuming you are talking about the potato plant as a whole and not just the stem of the plant, which is what is known as a "potato." So continuing with the assumption that you are talking about a potato plant, then yes a potato plant is a multicellular organism. It is an organism and it has more than one cell that work together for the good of the group of cells.