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In the desert, the winds transport sediment near the surface through a process called saltation. This is because the deserts have no or very little soil moisture to hold the mineral and rock fragments.

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Q: What kind of air movement does a desert have?
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What kind of air does a desert have?

The air in the desert is the same as elswhere - about 78% nitrogen and 21% oxygen. The air is, however, quite low in humidity - water vapor. In hot deserts, the air is generally much warmer than in non-desert areas.

What kind of front occurs when a warm air mass and a cold air mass meet and no movement occurs?

A stationary front

Is the movement of the air?

The Movement Of Air is wind

What is the movement of the air?

The Movement Of Air is wind

When was Desert Air Force created?

Desert Air Force was created in 1941.

What is desert air like?

Air in the desert is little different from air elsewhere. In the desert the air contains little water vapor and, in some cases, may be quite hot.

How can you improve a desert?

depends on what kind of desert it is.

Wind is the movement of what?

Wind is the movement of air.

The upward movement of warm air and the downward movement of cool air form?

The upward movement of warm air and the downward movement of cold air forms fluids.

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the ship of the desert

What is the movement of air on and out the lungs?

The movement of air on and out the lungs is called respiration. The movement of air into the lungs is called inhalation (inspiration). The movement of air out of the lungs is called exhalation (expiration).

Definition to atmoshperic movement?

The definition of atmospheric movement is the movement of air or air masses.