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Q: What kind of alcohol is in vanilla extract?
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Does vanilla extract contain alcohol?

"Pure" vanilla extract generally contains 35-40% alcohol... "Imitation" vanilla does not use alcohol as an ingredient

What percent of alcohol is in imitation vanilla?

Imitation vanilla extract typically contains about 35% alcohol.

Does ginger ale have alcohol in it?

Some Ginger ales contain vanilla extract. Vanilla extract contains alcohol.

Does vanilla bean have caffeine in it?

No. Pure vanilla extract should contain only vanilla & alcohol.

How much alcohol is in imitation vanilla?

No. Only "pure" vanilla extract is made with alcohol

Does vanilla extract make mold?

Vanilla extract has a high alcohol content, and is usually not subject to mold.

Why does vanilla extract contain alcohol?

Alcohol keeps the vanilla product fresh while amplifying the flavor. The alcohol is not harmful in small amounts.

Can pure vanilla extract be used for an alcoholics diet diet?

No, not if they are trying to quit drinking. Vanilla extract has a high alcohol content.

Is it dangerous to boil vanilla?

Since vanilla extract is mostly alcohol, it probably wouldn't be a good idea.

Can children purchase vanilla extract?

Some communities have restricted the sale of "pure" vanilla extract to children because of the relatively high alcohol content.

What is vanilla extract used for?

Cooking.. like cookies cakes ice cream and that kind of sweet stuff.. real vanilla extract in the glass bottle is 30% alcohol.

Is clear vanilla extract the same as brown vanilla extract?

No, they are not the same. Clear vanilla extract is made with glycerine and predominately used by fondant cake makers or for icings that are needed to remain absolutely white. They're are some people who buy it because its label reads "NO ALCOHOL", even though it is still made with an alcohol solvent. The end result still contains a minute amount, but not enough for the FDA to have it listed as an ingredient.