

What kind of alien cold live in neptune?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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11y ago

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one that can float

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Q: What kind of alien cold live in neptune?
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no, water has not been found on neptune to sustain life

Who live at Neptune?

no one lives on neptune and it would be impossible to. way too cold there

Can people live on neptune and why or why not?

No, because it is very cold.

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If he was evolved for that gravity, pressure, temperature and atmospheric composition, he'd be asking how can an alien live on Earth? After all, from a Jovian standpoint, we are far too hot a planet, the gravity is too small to hold a properly thick atmosphere, and we have "poisonous" levels of Oxygen all over!

Can a preson live on Neptune?

No, it is much too cold and has no solid surface.

What kind of person would live on Neptune?

An imaginary one.

Why cant a human live on Neptune?

Because it's way too cold and people can barely live in Antarctica let alone Neptune, imagine 1,000 degrees below zero.

Could you live on Neptune even though it is cold and has no oxygen?

No. Even if you could overcome those problems, Neptune is a gas planet, so it does not have a surface.

Can you live on neptune with a space suit?

No. Even if you had a space suit to provide air and protect you from the extreme cold, Neptune is a gas planet, meaning it has no surface to stand on.

What is the difference between mars and Neptune?

Unfortunately Mars is cold, but Neptune is extremely cold. Therefore Mars is so likely like Earth that scientists think there might be living things on Mars. Neptune is more likely impossible to live on therefore you will need quite a lot of the technology to live or even go to Neptune. Edit: Also Mars is a solid rocky world, whereas Neptune is mainly gas, fluids and so on.

What are some adaptations that an alien would need to live on neptune?

i dont know and i dont care find a different site or use your mental knowledge

What are adaptations needed to live on Neptune?

its nearly impossible to live on Neptune since it's a gas giant but if you could you would probably need to fly and withstand very cold weather plus breathe with no oxygen