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Q: What kind of bears are able to kill Siberian tigers?
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Are Russian Brown Bears known to kill Siberian Tigers?

It is possible, but there are many reports of them being killed by tigers.

Who would win in a fight between a beaver and a Siberian tiger?

Definitely the Siberian tiger would easily kill and eat the beaver since siberian tigers are strong enough to kill grizzly bears.

Do Siberian tigers attack bears?

Only in very extreme circumstances. A fully grown bear would easily kill a tiger.

Why would a Siberian tiger win a fight against a grizzly bear?

Since siberian tigers are faster and better hunters with good weight and length, the siberian tiger would have a chance to fight the grizzly bear off. In most situations, grizzly bears have been known to kill siberian tigers and siberian tigers have been known to kill grizzly bears. The grizzly bear will do anything to fight down the siberian tiger by using its claws, muscles, and teeth. Since a siberian tiger is good enough when its got its good body weight, then it could definitely win such a fight.

Which organisms eat or kill Siberian tigers?


Who kills the Siberian tiger?

human's kill tigers - for their pelts

What would a Siberian tigers kill?

Your parents thats why you are an orphan

How do they kill a Siberian tigers?

Quite often, they just shoot them.

Can a tiger kill a black bear?

A tiger could definitely have a chance to kill a black bear by bringing it down with its great hunting skills with not much injuries. Let's compare their weights first. Asian Black bears, like asiatic black bears, weigh from 400-880 pounds, while bengal tigers weigh from 570-620 pounds. It seems that the two creatures can be quite heavier than each other. Depending on the health and experiences of the two creatures, these two creatures would normally stay out of each other's territories. A large male sloth bear or a large male asiatic black bear can stand a chance against a bengal tiger since male black bears are seeming to kill tigers in their territories. Tigers usually can kill sloth bears and sometimes asiatic black bears in asia, but not really grizzly bears. Siberian tigers, which weigh from 660- 700 pounds, are stronger and larger than russian black bears. Really huge black bears weigh around 800-880 pounds. They might defeat a siberian tiger. Against a brown bear, the siberian tiger might have a decent chance of winning. Overall tigers can kill black bears, but black bears can also kill tigers too.Answer 2A tiger could sometimes kill a black bear, take its territory, and eat it. Tigers sometimes attack asiatic black bears and sun bears for territories. Black bears sometimes attack tigers for territories or food as well.

Do tigers eat bear?

No, they will eat elk and deer meat but not tigers. A bear will not normally attack a tiger. For one thing, tigers are not a part of any animals diet. Second, siberian tigers, the biggest cats on earth, would win against even the biggest grizzly bear! They are much more agile and powerful compared to their own bodies, then bears, so the tiger will most likely eat the bear!Yes. Bears are carnivores and will kill tigers.

Why are Siberian tigers extinct?

I am happy to report that Siberian tigers are not extinct. Unfortunately, they are endangered, and could become extinct if people do not stop poachers who kill them (and all types of tigers), for their beautiful hides.

What are some special things that help Siberian tigers live?

Dont kill them