

What kind of beetle makes up the most species?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What kind of beetle makes up the most species?
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Do beetle have the most number of animal species?

yes they do

Is a beetle classified in phylum arthropoda?

Yes, beetles are classified in the phylum Arthropoda, which is the largest phylum in the animal kingdom. Arthropods are characterized by having jointed legs and a hard exoskeleton.

What do beetle larva's eat?

What a beetle larvae eats depends on what species they are. Most, however, eat large amounts of plant material.

What type is a stag beetle?

Stag beetles are a species of beetle in the family Lucanidae. The English name is derived from the large and distinctive mandibles found on the males of most species, which resemble the antlers of stags.

What animal is there most of?

The animal that has the most species is the beetle.

Is there a species of rhinoceros beetle in Tasmania?

Yes, most Rhinoceros Beetles live in the Australia-Tasmania area.

What colors are the snowdonian rainbow beetle?

The colors of the snowdonian rainbow beetle vary depending on the species of beetle. Most snowdonian rainbow beetles are red, blue, gold, and green striped.

What does a scarab beetle represent?

There are around 1,200 species that fall into the category, stag beetle. The most distinctive characteristic of the stag beetle are large pincers that resemble male deer antlers. they come in a variety of colors and some species can grow to over 12 centimeters.

What kind of beetle come from the superworm larvae?

Superworms are Darkling beetle larvae. They like carrots in both life stages and adult beetles can live for years. Gentle creatures, the adult beetles posses an acid that makes them undesirable to eat for most animals, unlike their relatively tasty larvae readily consumed by most any insectivore. A darkling beetle looks like an elongated version of the beetle associated with standard mealworms.

When does the beetle eat the most?

the beetle eats the most when it is hungry.

Where could you find a scarab beetle?

scarab beetle or scarab, name for members of a large family of heavy-bodied, oval beetles (the Scarabaeidae), with about 30,000 species distributed throughout most of the world and over 1,200 in North America. == ==

What kind of achohol has least calories?

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