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Q: What kind of bird has a shiny black body and bright yellow beak and red head?
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What color is a tucan's beak?

Depends on the species, , the black tucan has the beak vivid yellow with red on the tip, the green beak tucan well is green, the cuvier tucan's beak is black and yellow.

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What black bird has a yellow or orange beak?

The raven

What colour on a beak of a black swan?

It depends on the season and the species.In the winter, puffin beaks are usually a dull grey-ish colour. In the summer the colour depends on their species.The Atlantic Puffin has a bright orange beak with some black closer to the face and a yellow stripe separating the orange and black.The Horned Puffin has a dominantly light yellow beak with a touch of bright orange at the tip.The Tufted Puffin has an amber orange to light red beak, with some black closer to the face.Click here for more information

What color is Thunderbird?

It is black yellow and purple in its feathers. Plus it has a yellow- orange beak

What are the main colors of a toucan?

Toucans are a very colorful tropical bird. The main colors of a toucan are a black body, with either a bright yellow or white throat and chest, and a beak which is mixture of green, orange, yellow, red, and blue.

What color is a penguin beak?

penguins can have bright purple black orange and dark grey beaks.

What bird has a black head yellow breast and a black stripe down chest head?

The Eurasian Blackbird is a black bird with a yellow beak.

What is the Australian black marine bird with a red beak?

The moorhen is a small black bird with a red beak. It is found in a variety of habitats, especially freshwater wetlands and lakes, but also marine areas, where it is less common. The black swan is a large black bird with white wing tips and a bright red beak. It lives in both freshwater and marine habitats: wherever there is a large expanse of open water.

What colore is tweety bird when he was firsted made?

his original color is Pink

What is the difference between a moorhen and a coot?

A moorhen is a black bird with a bright red bill with yellow on the end. A coot is also black but instead of a red beak has a white one, with a white patch above it. In general, coots tends to be larger and fatter than moorhens. So, check the beak, that will tell you what bird it is!

How does the yellow-tailed black cockatoo breathe?

through nostrils at the top of its beak