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Q: What kind of cage or tank does a goldfish require?
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Related questions

Will goldfish kept in a fish tank eat their young?

Yes they will, to prevent this you could buy a fish tank cage.

Where are the goldfish in panfu?

the gold fish tank are in the pet shop above the bolly cage

Can you breed goldfish in a one gallon tank?

No. A one gallon tank is not appropriate for a singular goldfish much less multiple. A ten gallon tank is the bare minimum for a singular goldfish and breeding would require a tank of twenty gallons or more. A one gallon tank cannot handle the chasing that proceeds goldfish mating nor maintain a water quality that is suitable for raising goldfish fry.

Why do your goldfish lay at the bottom of your tank?

It may be just sleeping. Try cleaning up it's cage. Ormaybe it is'nt well.

Can you have a female betta and two goldfish in a 14 gallon tank?

No. A betta requires water between 80 and 86 degrees, while goldfish require water between 72 and 78. Also, there is not enough room for these fish in that tank. 2 goldfish should have a 20 gallon tank minimum to themselves.

What kind of goldfish should you get for your fantail goldfish?

Fantail goldfish are a hardy breed, strong swimmers and they compete well for food with the ryukin, shubunkin, comet or common goldfish; making these goldfish breeds good tank mates for your fantail goldfish.

What kind of fish can you put in your half gallon tank?

That is small better stick with a goldfish.

Can fresh water mussels live in goldfish tank with goldfish in the tank?


What kind of fish can live with goldfish in a taink?

Most! Maybe if you go to a pet shop and ask but mostly all fish can live with a goldfish in a tank

What should you put in your goldfish tank?

It is important to remember to put things in a goldfish tank, even goldfish get bored. Some of my suggestions for tank decor are artificial plants and a "hidey hole" for your goldfish.

What type of algae eater is best for a goldfish tank with four goldfish?

it doesn't really matter what kind of algae eater you get for the tank.In my experience with goldfish I've found that plecos work well although they get very big and will need to be kept in a very large tank.

Can goldfish stay in the tank when platy fry are in?

You should not have goldfish and platies in the same tank ever.