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Q: What kind of courts usually hear cases that involve issues and fair trial questions?
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What courts usually hear cases involving fair trial issues?

appellate courts (or courts of appeals)

What kinds of cases are decided in federal courts?

Federal courts have jurisdiction over cases that involve federal law. There are also a few jurisdiction issues that could bring a state law case into federal court.

The majority of cases that are decided by the supreme court involve what kind of disputes?

Circuit splits -- where two of the federal Circuit Courts of Appeal have decided the same issue of law in contradictory ways. Most cases involve US Constitutional issues.

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ako budoy :)

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What issues involve collecting, storing, and disseminating information about individuals.

What issues involve collecting storing and disseminating information about individuals?

What issues involve collecting, storing, and disseminating information about individuals.

Which is a case usually not heard by the Supreme Court?

A case that is usually not heard by the Supreme Court is a matter that involves purely state law issues without any federal constitutional questions involved. The Supreme Court primarily focuses on interpreting and applying the U.S. Constitution, federal laws, and resolving federal legal disputes. Cases involving only state law issues typically fall within the jurisdiction of state courts.

What is issues involve collecting storing and disseminating information about individuals?

privacy issues

What is a motion to abate?

A motion to abate works like a legal pause button. When issues are pending in other courts, a motion to abate suspends the proceeding until other questions are decided.

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Since you have symptoms that involve your skin it would be best if you went to a dermatologist. A dermatologist specializes in skin issues and will be able to answer all of your questions.

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The questions and issues the team are experiencing.

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