

Best Answer

There are a number of possible explanations, including hives or erythema multiforme. You need to see your health care provider for diagnosis; you can't get a rash diagnosed over the internet.

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Q: What kind of disease has large flat spots that are similar to chickenpox. Some are small and red and some are nickel size. They appear to be white in the middle. They just appeared on my son...?
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What is the name for chickenpox in adulthood?

Chickenpox in adulthood does not have a special name. However, shingles is an infection that can result from later reactivation of your lifelong infection with chickenpox virus. It happens most often in adults.

When and where did chickenpox first emerge?

It's not possible to know how chickenpox started. It is a very old disease. Chickenpox was described in the ninth century by a Persian physician. One history of medicine book credits Giovanni Filippo (1510-1580) of Palermo with the first description of varicella (chickenpox). Subsequently in the 1600s, an English physician named Richard Morton described what he thought a mild form of smallpox as "chicken pox." Later, in 1767, a physician named William Heberden, also from England, was the first physician to clearly demonstrate that chickenpox was different from smallpox. However, it is believed the name chickenpox was commonly used in earlier centuries before doctors identified the disease. There are many explanations offered for the origin of the name chickenpox: Samuel Johnson suggested that the disease was "no very great danger", thus a "chicken" version of the pox; the specks that appear looked as though the skin was pecked by chickens; the disease was named after chick peas, from a supposed similarity in size of the seed to the lesions; the term reflects a corruption of the Old English word giccin, which meant itching. As "pox" also means curse, in medieval times some believed it was a plague brought on to curse children by the use of black magic.

Is there a shingles titer?

You appear to be confused about the nature of shingles. A positive varicella titer shows that you have had chickenpox in the past, or that you have had the vaccine for chickenpox. You can't get shingles unless you've had chickenpox. If you have had chickenpox, a positive varicella titer is not protective against shingles, and you may need the vaccine. Discuss with your health care provider whether shingles vaccine makes sense for you.

Can you transmit chickenpox to someone else when you have been in contact with someone with chickenpox?

You can only transmit chickenpox to someone if you have the chickenpox yourself.Once you had chicken pox you can not get it again-that is what is believed by doctors and scientists. You should be vaccinated for it because if you were not and did not have it when you were young you can get it when you are elderly but it is worse and called "shingles."

Is chickenpox a symptom of the herpes virus?

A culture test and the most modern blood tests can distinguish chickenpox from herpes. Older-generation blood tests may not. Talk to your health care provider for information specific to your situation and test results.

Are chickens the source of chickenpox?

Nope. Chicken Pox are named so because they appear as the bumps on the chickens' combs.No, you don't.

Do infants with Canavan disease appear normal?

Most infants with Canavan disease appear normal for the first month of life

Where is the first place on your body to get chickenpox bumps?

Chickenpox lesions usually show up first on the chest, head, and back. Then it spreads over the body.

When was chickenpox invented and by whom?

Chickenpox is a highly contagious disease, caused by a virus which belongs to the herpes family. This virus is known as varicella-zoster virus and also as the Herpes Zoster virus. Not only chickenpox is produced by it but shingles is too.Chickenpox occurs mostly during the end of the winter and the beginning of the spring. It generally affects children aged from 2 to 8 and can take the form of epidemics.If an infected person coughs or sneezes, the virus will be spread in the air and will be caught by other healthy persons while breathing. The virus is known to be present in the body long before the skin rash appears; this is the reason why there are so many cases of contamination.After the virus got into your body it generally needs two weeks to develop and only then the rash will appear. But this does not mean that you are not contagious within these two weeks.The symptoms of chickenpox are: fever, itchy, red bumps that transform into round blisters with a red base. These blisters will form a crust and will eventually dry. For at least 5 days the infected person should not get into close contact with people that have not suffered from chickenpox and children should not go to school because they can infect others. Pregnant women who have made chickenpox before are safe and so is their baby. If she has not made chickenpox and got in contact with an infected person, the doctor can administer antibodies of chickenpox within 4 days of a possible contamination. After the dry scabs form the rate of contamination will decrease.After the disease had terminated the virus will not disappear completely, it will shed inside the nervous cells and will remain inactive for some years. At some point, when the immune system will work improperly the virus will reactivate and will cause shingles. This is a painful disease that affects the face and trunk nerves and also causes a rash to appear. The chickenpox infected person will also be prohibited from flying because the air conditioner in airplanes will transmit the virus more easily to other passengers. The virus is dangerous for those who have AIDS, cancer or follow a treatment with immunosuppressive drugs. Only those who have a good immune system response and those who have been vaccinated against chickenpox will not develop the disease.

How long before you catch chickenpox from someone?

Seconds - chickenpox is very contagious and 90% of people exposed will get it unless they've already had it before. The person is contagious from about 2 days before the spots appear until about 5 days after they appear, or until there are no more fresh or moist spots on the skin.

When does Kearns-Sayre syndrome appear?

Symptoms of the disease appear before age 15

What is Mertz disease?

It doesn't appear that this is a disease. Mertz is the last name of a doctor however.