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Q: What kind of energy do animals convert chemical energy from molecules?
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Animals take in chemical energy from plants and other animals and convert it to what?

Animals convert chemical energy from their food to several forms of energy: kinetic energy (for motion) and thermal energy (for heat). They also store some of this energy still in the form of chemical energy.

True or false Can heterotrophs convert solar energy into chemical energy?

False from what i understand heterotrophs are animals and animals get their energy from other animals/ plants. Autotrophs are the ones that convert solar energy in to chemical energy through photosynthesis

Plant chloroplasts convert the energy of sunlight into what?

Chloroplasts convert sunlight into potential energy. The energy is then converted into the chemical energy in the glucose molecules.

How do producers convert solar energy into chemical energy?

by eating other animals

How do plants use chemical energy to help animals?

convert some of it to electrical energy

What function do the cholroplast have?

Chloroplasts contain chlorophyll molecules which absorb the sun's energy and convert it to chemical energy which can be used to fuel chemical reactions in the cell.

What process converts light energy to chemical energy?

Within the leaves of plants, there is a layer of cells below the upper epidermis called the palisade parenchyma. Within this layer are structures called chloroplasts. Within the chloroplasts are molecules called reaction centers, which contain the only type of molecules that can convert light energy into chemical energy. The process of converting light energy into chemical energy (ATP) is called photophosphorylation.

Animals obtain theri energy and carbon from?

chemical bonds and organic molecules. respectively.

What energy does cellular respiration convert?

It form chemical energy i.e. ATP (Adenosine Tri-phosphate)

Do chloroplast and mitochondria convert chemical energy?

Chloroplast convert light energy. Mitochondria convert chemical energy itself

Why producers carry out photosynthesis?

To create energyThey obtain both carbon and energy from photosynthesis. They store them in glucose molecules

Definition of chemical energy?

chemical energy is stored energy in a chemical itself. OR energy stored in chemical bonds of molecules