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Q: What kind of environment should a baby abandoned mouse stay in?
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How do you take care of a baby mouse who is nursing off of dead mother?

First of all.... the answer should be complete that how much small is the mouse??? that is, it's a little gorwn up baby or premature?????? It's really very hard to nurse a baby mouse, that to without any good vet's help...... as their body is really senstive to surrounding environment

What type of food can you feed a baby mouse?

umm a baby mouse should be fed by its mom till it is done nursing

How do you feed a abandoned mouse?

I dont really know if you dont tell me if its a baby or adult. If its adult - feed it seeds, apples, salad and bugs if you can. If its a baby - talk to a veterinarian IMMIDIATELY.

What happens if you drop a pet baby mouse?

If it's a baby it will probably hurt it a lot and maybe kill it. You should be very careful holding a baby mouse.

Is it okay for a baby mouse to lay on its back?

When a baby mouse or pinkie is on it's back, the baby can die. A couple of weeks after a mouse starts getting fur, it should be able to turn back around.

If you want to give away your pet baby mouse when can it leave its mother?

The baby mouse can leave it's mother when it's about four weeks or older. At that time, the baby mouse is fully weaned of mother's milk. The baby mouse should also be eating solid foods as well.

What do humans feed abandoned baby mice?

It is best to feed an abandoned baby mouse regular or kitten/puppy milk mix diluted in water. Once it has opened its eyes it is ok to start giving it bits of solid foods like cheese, or specialized mouse food. It is best to feed an abandoned baby mouse regular or kitten/puppy milk mix diluted in water. Once it has opened its eyes it is ok to start giving it bits of solid foods like cheese, or specialized mouse food.

How do I care for a baby mouse that has no fur?

Your best option is to leave it alone - it is rare for a single baby mouse to be left abandoned by the mother. If this is a pet mouse, ideally you would try to foster it onto another mouse mother for nurturing. If this isn't an option, you can try bottle feeding it with milk replacer (check with your veterinarian, you may have to use a non-rodent milk replacer if that's all that is available). The baby mouse will need to be kept warm and will need regular feeding and grooming (soft massaging of the abdomen to encourage regular bowel movements). The good news is a baby mouse will develop rapidly, so you should be mostly done with your intensive fostering work in a few weeks.

What is a baby mouse called?

A baby mouse is called a pup or a pinkie.

What age should a baby mouse be handled?

10 days old.

What food should i give to a baby python?

cricket or mouse sucklings

What do you do if you tried to save an abandoned mouse baby but it died anyway?

The only thing to do is bury it, and accept that nature has its own way of dealing with the less healthy members of a species.