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To moisturize dry eyelids find a body or facial creme that has no fragrance so it wont irritate more.

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Q: What kind of eye creme is good for dry eyelids?
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What kind current is produced by a dry cell?

A dry cell battery does not use current it produces a current when connected to an electrical load. The type of current that the dry cell produces is DC (direct current).

How long does it take for a leaf to dry?

The time it takes for a leaf to dry can vary depending on factors like humidity, temperature, and the type of leaf. It typically takes a few hours to a day for a leaf to dry completely. Placing the leaf in a warm, dry area with good air circulation can speed up the drying process.

Is dry oral mucosa a sign of dehydration?

An inspection of the oral cavity can yield useful insight into a patient's hydration status. A dry oral mucosa and dry furrowed tongue are good indicators of dehydration. Healthcare professionals and caregivers should be cautioned that patients who are taking certain medications (such as anticholinergic drugs) may have dry oral mucosas in the absence of dehydration.

What type of tree is good for a hot dry climate?

An olive tree is a good option for a hot, dry climate as it is drought-tolerant and can thrive in poor soils. Palms and mesquite trees are also suitable choices for hot and arid regions. Eucalyptus trees are known for their adaptability to heat and low-water conditions.

What is dry sex?

Dry sex refers to sexual activity in which there is minimal or no natural lubrication between partners. This lack of lubrication can cause discomfort, pain, and increased friction during intercourse. It is important to use appropriate lubrication to enhance pleasure and prevent injury during sexual activity.

Related questions

What helps dry skin on your eyelids?

Put vasiline on your eyelids before you go to bed

I've got dry skin on my eyelids How can I stop this also what causes it?

If you have dry skin on your eyelids you should eat lots of vegetables and fruits and take a lot of water.

Is Harvey's Bristol creme a dry sherry?

It's a sweet sherry

What does the American Optometric Association say is the cause for dry eyelids?

According to the American Optometric Association, the cause for dry eyelids is a lack of tears produced in the eyes. Many times this can be due to the medications that a person is taking.

How does blinking happen?

We pull our eyelids together so that our eyes don't get dry.

Why don't fish have eyelids?

Fish do not have eyelids because the purpose of eyelids are to keep them moist so they don't dry up, and fish are already in water, so there is no purpose of eyelids for them.

What kind of air is good for air plants?

dry air

How long can dry ice inside a cooler keep ice creme frozen?

As long as inside the container is below 2 degrees you should be good. Id say 3 pounds should be good for about 2 hours.

How do you get tan skin to glow?

put acne creme on, let it dry, and then put on dove energy glow.

What treatment exists for patients with blepharitis?

Blepharitis is treated with hot compresses, with antibiotic ointment, and by cleaning the eyelids with a moist washcloth and then with baby shampoo. Good hygiene is essential. Patients can try to keep rooms dry.

Is it Okay to use water on eyelids to moisturize?

Water won't help moisturize your skin (unless you're drinking it). I recently went through a spell of puffy, dry, very swollen eyelids caused by the skin on me eyelids being dry.What happened was I noticed the skin on my eyelids was dry so I used my face moisturizer on my eyelids and it made them really puffy, red, swollen, and much worse.SO, what you can do is use plain old petroleum jelly (like vaseline) on youe eyelids before you go to bed and it will moisturize your eyelids without making them puffy or anything.Petroleum Jelly is a great moisture for your skin (you can use it as chapstick too) and it's completely safe to use around your eyes.You can buy a small container of petroleum jelly at any grocery store, drug store, and even gas stations.Replaced by Mike 2 after thequestion and answer were vandalised

What drink is made from dry white wine and creme de cassis?

The answer is 'KIR' think your doing the same clues and arrows as me. :)