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There can be any food eaten in the Appalachian Mountains, but the foods most served and enjoyed are home-cooked and in a great many cases, home-grown. A typical supper would be, for example, fried chicken, fried or mashed potatoes, biscuits, sliced tomatoes, pinto beans, and gravy. All homemade, of course. Favorite foods served for breakfast would be biscuits and gravy, scrambled, fried, or "runny" eggs, fried country ham, bacon and/or sausage, sliced tomatoes, fried potatoes, hot and creamy oatmeal, buttered and sweetened rice, jelly, preserves, jam, honey, or molasses on biscuits. Another favorite meal for supper would be soup beans (pintos) and cornbread with onions.

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14y ago

Biscuits and gravy. Pinto beans and cornbread. Chocolate or peanut butter fudge.

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Q: What kind of food is served in the Appalachian Mountain region?
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