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Most processed foods or most lunch meats

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Q: What kind of food is sodium in?
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Related questions

What has lots of sodium?

Foods could have a lot of sodium. It depends on the kind of food you are eating. To see how much sodium is in a food product, it has a side panel. You look at the serving size, then you go down to sodium.

How do you calculate sodium percentage in food products?

to find percentage of sodium in a food product divide the mg of sodium in product by 1320

Which kind of salt is commonly used with food?

If your asking for the chemical name for table salt, it's chemical name is sodium chloride.

What is sodium phosphate on a food label?

Sodium Phosphate is a term that refers to any sodium salt of phosphoric acid. It is a food additive and is generally considered safe for food consumption.

What kind of formula of sodium have?

Sodium's chemical symbol is Na

How high is sodium considered to be too high in food?

Any food that has over 500 mg of sodium is considered high. Sodium usually comes in the form of preservatives in cooked food.

Where does sodium live?

sodium lives in salt and a lot of food!

What is used as a food preservative 1. sodium Benzoate 2. sodium Thiosulphate 3. sodium Hydroxide 4. sodium Bicarbonate?

Number 1. Sodium Benzoate is the food preservative. no. 2 and 3 are not used in food at all, no. 4 is not a preservative but is used in baking powder.

How do you use sodium in a sentence?

Sodium is used in several forms to preserve food, such as sodium chloride and sodium nitrate.

What kind of bond is sodium monoxide?

Sodium monoxide has ionic bonds.

Why would you put sodium chloride on your food?


What foods is sodium found in?

Sodium is found is virtually every food.