

What kind of fungus is zygote fungus?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: What kind of fungus is zygote fungus?
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Is a puffball a zygote fungus?

No, it is a basidiomycete.

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A kind of fungus.

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Staphylococcus aureus is a bacteria, not a fungus.

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There are fungi such as mycobiont, red fungus, and yellow fungus!

Exsample sentence for the word fungus?

Mushrooms are a kind of fungus that people like to eat.

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its not a fungus! Its called poison ivy. Why are you touching fungus...stupid.

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It is a fungus.

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It is grown as yeast is a kind of fungus.

Why can't you use the same kind of antibiotic for a fungus infection as you use for a bacterial infection?

AntiBiotics kill bacteria, not fungus. To kill Fungus, An Antifungal Would have to be used.

What kind of egg is called a zygote?

it isn't an egg its a baby which is very very small and had just been formed.

What happens to fungus later?

Depending upon what kind of fungus you are talking about, it may form a fruiting body and produce spores.