

What kind of gas burns in the sun?

Updated: 12/21/2023
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Q: What kind of gas burns in the sun?
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The sun burns helium to make what other gas?

The sun burns small amounts of helium and when combined with oxygen, the helium makes neon. The sun burns mostly hydrogen.

What kind of gas does the sun use in burning?

Hydrogen Gas.

Does the sun burn off heat or light?

light to make heat The the sun burns off the gas from the center of when the sun was made.So it produces heat and light

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The gas which burns with a pop sound is hydrogen gas.

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Just plain old ordinary air, but heated by the flame of the burner (which I believe burns propane gas).

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The gun powder does not detonate, it burns.

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The sun

How sun was formed zillion years ago?

It was formed by a kind of hot gas, and they condenses and became a star, that's the sun.

What happens as the Sun burns?

when the sun burns, it heats up it sorroundings, that how we get heat, its energy hit earths layers.

What kind of gas will have an increase in volume if it was left in the sun for a few hours?

Any gas has an increased volume when the temperature is increased.