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A communist system of government replaced the old, decadent, corrupt monarchy, after the Russian Revolution of 1917.

Lenin created a socialist type of government, not a communist type of government. The government created by Lenin was just as repressive and autocratic as the monarchy that had been replaced. Dissent from Bolshevik/Communist doctrine or against the leaders of the Bolsheviks (meaning Lenin himself) was deemed counter-revolutionary and subjected the dissident to exile, imprisonment or death. All political parties, then existing as well as to be formed, except the Bolshevik/Communist Party were dispersed and outlawed.

Lenin created the Bolshevik Party which seized governmental power from the Russian Provisional Government, which had been set up in place of Tsar Nicholas' II's rule. Then he created the first Russian republic called the Russian Soviet Federal Socialist Republic, which in 1926 became the Soviet Union. Once the Bolsheviks had all political power with no way for the people to change things, the government got just as corrupt as the Tsar's had been.

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