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Q: What kind of gun was Franz Ferdinand killed by?
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What happened to gun that killed franz Ferdinand?

The 1910 Browning semiautomatic pistol was lost for over 80 years. It was found and verified in 2004. It was donated to the Vienna Museum.

What was the smoking gun in World War 1?

The smoking gun in WWI was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo on June 28th, 1914.

What kind of gun did archduke Ferdinand get assassinated with?

the type with a trigger

What caliber gun was used to kill Archduke Franz Ferdinand?

Gavrilo Princip, using a FN Browning model 1910 32 caliber pistol, shot Franz Ferdinand. It was almost dumb luck that the bullet struck the archduke in the next causing him to bleed to death.

What gun was used to kill Archduke Franz Ferdinand?

The Archduke Ferdinand and his wife were shot by Gavrilo Princip using a FN Browning model 1910 pistol. The particular pistol he used is believed to be a .32 caliber.

What kind of gun killed Adolf Hitler?

His Walther pistol.

What kind of gun did Abraham get killed with?

Abraham Lincoln was killed with a single shot muzzle loading Deringer pistol.

Who shot the gun that started the shot around the world?

Gavrilo Princip. The shot heard around the world was the assassination of Arch-duke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary, in 1914, which lead to the outbreak of the first world war.

Who was really to blame for archduke franz Ferdinand's death?

The person to blame was the driver of Franz Ferdinand's because he turned the wrong way which made the person from the black hand gang pull out a gun and shoot 2 bullets ware fired and the bullets hit his wife and him. -I think that the driver was a member of the Black hand gang The driver did not make a wrong turn. Archduke Ferdinand ordered him to drive to the hospital to visit the people who had been injured in the shooting early that day that was meant to kill him. The least congested route brought him past the cafe where Gavrilo Princip, the man who killed Ferdinand and who can actually be blamed, was eating. Princip acted to complete the mission he was there for and fired. Only the Black Hand members who couldn't bring themselves to find a legal way to handle their nonexistent problems are at fault.

How much is the gun worth that killed Lincoln?

No gun killed Lincoln.

Can people get killed by air soft guns?

It depends what kind of airsoft gun you have but maybe if you shoot them in the right place.

How did the assassination of Franz Ferdinand assist in starting World War 2?

It was WW1 that started because of the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. He was in his car on a parade with his wife Sophie in Bosnia when Gavrilo Princip and the members of the black- hand gang tried to shot him. The story goes that Gavrilo went to get a cheese sandwich and the car that the archduke was driving in took a wrong turning down the street where Gavrilo was having his sandwich he took out his gun and shot Franz and his wife. Serbia Austria - Hungary's enemy) supplied the black hand gang with the weapons and they started a war and because of the alliances with the other countries WW1 happened.