

What kind of kingdom do the green algae belong to?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: What kind of kingdom do the green algae belong to?
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What kind of environment are green algae found?

The green algae is usually found in the damp areas or in water bodies with oxygen.

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Taxonomically, pigs belong to Kingdom Animalia, same as sea urchins and humans.

What kind of plant is a green algae?

Aquatic/ found in water

What kind of cell is found in bacteria and blue-green algae?

Cyanobacteria, or cyanophyta.

What kind of algae is in sushi?

Nori, the dark green wrap that holds the sushi together in a roll, is made of seaweed. Seaweed is a type of algae.

What kind of algae are seaweeds at most often occur in warm marine waters?

Red algae is a type of seaweed. This seaweed lives in warm waters.

What kind of plant can move on its own?

Green algae have a tail (flagellum) that allows it to move around.

Protists that make their own food and usually live in water are?

Chlorophyta, a kind of green algae.

In what kind of environments are green algae found?

Green algae is found in the Pacific Ocean and I'm also sure its found in common lakes and ponds as well.

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the kindom that the panda goes to magic tree house

What kind of religion is in United Kingdom?

people in the UK can belong to any kind of religion. your religion is influenced by the country you live in not determined by it