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Landslides, volcanic pyroclastic flows, and certain types of avalanches are mass movements that can advance so rapidly that a person would not be able to outrun them. These events can move at high speeds and with destructive force, posing significant risks to life and property.

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Q: What kind of mass movements advance so rapidly that a person could not outrun them?
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What is the name of the person who specializes in the study of earthquakes and other movements of the earths crust?

A seismologist specializes in the study of earthquakes and other movements of the Earth's crust. They analyze seismic waves to understand Earth's internal structure and study the causes and effects of seismic activity.

What is the sign that a person has accrued oxygen debt?

Signs of oxygen debt in a person include heavy breathing, rapid heartbeat, and fatigue. These symptoms occur when the body is unable to supply enough oxygen to the muscles during strenuous physical activity.

What do you call a person that predicts an earthquake?

You would call that person lucky. The scientists who study earthquakes are known as seismologists and they say that it is currently not possible to predict when an earthquake will occur.Technically nobody as earthquake prediction is currently impossible however seismologists will produce seismological hazard assessments in an attempt to quantify the likelihood of occurrence of a seismic event of a given magnitude occurring within a given time period on a fault.Seismologist

How does nitrogen cause death when a human enters a confined space purged with nitrogen?

Nitrogen displaces oxygen in the confined space, leading to a lack of oxygen in the bloodstream when breathed in by the person. This can rapidly lead to unconsciousness and ultimately death due to oxygen deprivation. Nitrogen itself is not toxic, but the lack of oxygen is what causes harm.

How does a tornado suck people up?

Tornadoes do not suck people up. They have strong, rotating winds that can lift objects like debris, vehicles, and sometimes people into the air due to the high wind speeds and low pressure within the tornado.

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me? I can definitely outrun a sloth. everyone can do that.thanksMarz (nickname)

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Can a person outrun lava of 2.7 meters per second?

2.7 meters per second is the same speed as 100 meters in 37 seconds. A person ... Usain Bolt ... has run 100 meters in 9.58 seconds. If, in the person's state of hyper-adrenaline-fueled terror, he can run only 1/4 as fast as Usain Bolt, then he can outrun that lava. Just barely.

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Is aging an adjective?

"Aging" can either be an adjective (as in, "an aging person") or a gerund (as in, "The person was aging rapidly").