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Aluminium is the metal that is used for toy Action Figures because it is easily malleable.

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Q: What kind of metal is used for toy action figures with pose-able body parts some soft metal easy for a child to bend firm enough to hold its' shape but durable for repeated bending at same spot?
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Which action figures are durable enough for constant outdoor use?

Any hard plastic figure with limited rotating limbs will be strong enough for use and abuse outdoors.

What is repeated notation?

When a Vulgar Fraction such as 2/3rds is converted to Decimal form, we get the answer 0.6666666 In other words, the number 6 gets repeated forever. Sometimes a Vulgar Fraction, when changed to Decimal form , gives a result such as 0.283283283283 These are both examples of repeated notation. When describing my second example , we would say ' 0.283 repeated' which means these figures will be repeated forever and you will never come to a stop. The quantity 1/7 = 0.142871428714287 and goes on forever, so we say the result is. 0.14287 repeated. Instead of writing the word repeated , some people place an asterisk just above, and very close to the last figure .

Can you spray paint action figures?

Yes, but you'd have to take it out of it's retail packaging first, destroying it's collectable value. Once you've done so, spray it with a primer, then paint it with a durable acrylic paint.

What are the figures of speech in hurt written by Trent reznor?

Figures of speech in the song "Hurt" by Trent Reznor include metaphors, such as comparing emotional pain to physical injury, and personification, like giving emotions human qualities. The song's lyrics also use symbolism, with the repeated mention of scars and the theme of self-destruction reflecting deeper emotional turmoil.

Can congruent figures be similar figures?

All congruent figures are similar figures, and have identical sizes.

What are 3 dimensional figures?

3dimentional figures are solid figures.

What is an Islamic tessellation?

Islamic Tessellation is where all the shapes are repeated over and over again. you can find many patterns like this which are clear examples of them. although Islam forbids the drawing of figures, tessellation is another way to draw and make beautiful pictures.

How many significant figures are in 1.0054?

4 significant figures.

What is the rhythm of art in arnolfini double portrait?

The rhythm in "The Arnolfini Portrait" is created by the repeated patterns in the textiles, such as the elaborate carpet and the intricate designs on the clothing. The circular movement of the figures and objects within the composition also contribute to the overall sense of rhythm in the painting.

What the heck are congruent figures?

Congruent figures are figures that have the same size and shape.