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Q: What kind of money do they have in Britain?
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What kind of money is used in great Britain?


What kind od money does Britain use?

The Pound. It is currently the strongest currency in the world. 17 Novermber 2009

Where is money made in Britain?


Can you wash sterling silver?

You can wash Sterling Silver with any kind of soap. Money in Britain is made of Sterling Silver, and you can wash money, so yes, it is washable. It is also fine in pools.

Why Britain passed laws to tax colonists?

Britain wanted money.

What does Britain call their money?

pounds Is that all they call their money?

Why did great Britain need to raise money?

Great Britain needed to raise money in 1763 because they needed money because they were bankrupt for the French-Indian war.

How was the tax money did the colonists have to pay to Britain?

they gave it o the Governor of Britain to be loyal

Who does Britain owe money to?

Japan to start

Why did Britain tax the Boston people?

To get money.

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What kind of phrase is "If you save your money