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There are many. The one of the Christian faith would be fantasy but the ones of other religions could be anything else.

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Q: What kind of narrative is the story of creation?
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What kind of narrative is The Creation Story of Luzon?

The creation story is a LEGEND..

What kind of narrative is The Creation Story from Luzon?

The Creation Story from Luzon is a traditional mythological narrative that explains the origins of the world and humanity from the perspective of indigenous cultures in the Philippines. It often involves the actions of supernatural beings or deities shaping the world, and carries moral lessons or cultural values specific to the communities in Luzon.

Where is the story of creation?

Many peoples have creation-narratives, because it is a universal tradition. The account of the Creation in the Hebrew Bible is in the first passages of Genesis. See also:A summary of the Creation-narrative

What does creation story mean?

A creation story is a narrative that explains how the world, humans, and other beings came into existence. It often involves supernatural elements or beings and serves as a way to provide meaning and understanding to the origin of life. Different cultures and religions have their own unique creation stories that reflect their beliefs and values.

A poem that tells a story has a beginning middle and end in some kind of conflict and that does not require rhyme is best described as a?

a poem that tells a story is called ballad.

What makes a fable a special kind of story?

The narrative and goofy execution.

What is the fivefold pattern the biblical write used to describe the creation story?

The biblical writer used a fivefold pattern in the creation story to structure the narrative according to the days of creation. Each day describes a specific aspect of the creation process, culminating in the creation of humans on the sixth day and God resting on the seventh day.

One kind of narrative poem is a?

A narrative poem is a poem which tells a story an example of this is The Eve of St Agnes by John Keats

Who wrote the fulani creation story?

The Fulani creation story is an oral tradition passed down through generations, so it doesn't have a single author. Instead, it is a collective narrative that reflects the Fulani people's beliefs and cultural heritage.

What is the difference between the Christian creation story and the Muslim creation story?

Both Christian and Muslim creation stories share similarities, such as the belief in a single, all-powerful God as the creator. However, they differ in some details like the timeline of creation and the role of Adam and Eve. In Christianity, Adam and Eve are seen as the first humans who disobeyed God, leading to the concept of original sin, while in Islam, Adam and Eve's disobedience is seen as a mistake that was forgiven by God.

What story does the Torah tell?

The Torah is a book of Divine laws, attitudes, and morals; and it also contains the narrative of the Creation, the Flood, and how the Israelites came to be.

What is a narative poem?

A narrative poem is a poem that tells a story rather than most poems.