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[Please see my reply below this original.] Caves are very rare formation usually found in mountains. They are vary rare as they are formed exclusively from a very unique creature that was found on earth in the jerassic period. The creature is called the secallius lumosur. This translate to giant worm. It lived most of its life underground, only coming into the outside world to mate. Caves can be found in very few places these days due to collapses and the extinction of the giant worm. They can be found in Germany and Russia.


Caves are very common formations.

Yes they are found in mountainous areas but not exclusively so: they need limestone uplands but the relief need not be ever so high.

They do not have biological origins although their host lilestone may be highly fossiliferous.

That limestone may well be Jurassic (not "Jerassic") but could also be Carboniferous or Cretaceous: most of the UK' caves are in CarboniferousLimestone though some are in late Jurassic rock. Most French caves are in Jurassic and Cretaceous Limestones.

I've no idea where you found yourSecallius Lumosurbut it looks made-up.

What can be found in Germany and Russia?The worm or the cave?Both countries have caves - so does the UK, USA, China, Iran and many other countries.

Right - the serious answer to the question itself, as I assume the questioner wanted;
Most caves are in limestone uplands offeringsuitable geological, hydrological and long-term climatic conditions to encourage cave development,which proceeds by rain-water sinking into the rock's joints and other fractures and slowly dissolving it.

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