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Q: What kind of pollution water can red sliders take?
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How do you prenvent water pollution?

Take all of our fresh water resources and put it in a bubble outside of human influence of any kind.. ta da!

How may pollution take place in airwater and soil?

How May pollution take place in air,water, and soil

How and when does water pollution take place?

After a heavy rainfall

How to test water pollution?

to take a sample an inspect it under a microscope and deterime if water is polluted

What can you compare pollution or runoff to?

runoff is when water come from rain take all type of trash and pollution is something polluted

How long does it take for a coral reef to be destroyed?

it depends on where it is and the pollution levels in the water.

Do floods cause water pollution?

yes they do. flood waters can take in rubbish into the water

What are some actions humans can take to reduce or eliminate pollution to our water source?


How does air and water pollution in Uruguay impact the endangered species list?

Well air and water pollution have a lot to do with endangered species. If the animal is lacking clean water to drink and cllean air to breath it can take a toll on its health, just as it can a human.

How does deforestation cause water pollution?

Deforestation causes water pollution because when there are no trees left to block the rain fall the rain falls directly on to the soil and washes it in to the rivers, which take it on to the seas and oceans. The soil may contain chemicals that pollute the water.

What parts of body are most affected by air pollution?

Everything living. The lungs take in the air pollution. It is just like a poison. Even fish are affected. The air pollution will make its way into the water, as in Ocean acidification.

What disasters can take place due to water pollution?

animals can go extinct and can ruin our entire food chain.