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Leon Trotsky sought a permanent revolution. He described a permanent revolution as an explanation for why socialist revolutions can take place in societies that have not yet reached a state of capitalism. He believed that the bourgeoisie in slow to develop capitalist countries are incapable of developing the productive forces needed to achieve capitalism that will develop an industrial proletariat. Therefore, the proletariat must seize power by leading an alliance with the peasants.

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Q: What kind of revolution did trotsky want?
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Leon Trotsky was one of the Communist leaders of the Russian Revolution in 1917. He died in 1924.

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Under certain conditions, Leon Trotsky believed that a Bolshevik revolution need not cause bloodshed. With that said, Trotsky believed that armed insurrection was a valid method to achieve a true revolution. If necessary, he also believed that terrorism was also justified.

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There is no confirmed record of Leon Trotsky's IQ score as IQ testing was not common during his time. Trotsky was a prominent figure in the Russian Revolution and a key leader in the early Soviet Union.