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Most buildings can withstand vertical shaking

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Q: What kind of shaking can a building withstand the best in an earthquake?
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What are the best defenses against an earthquake?

The best defenses are shear core, base isolators, a deep foundation, shutters and cross bracing cross bracing is a system utilized to reinforce building structures in which diagonal supports intersect. Cross bracing can increase a building's capability to withstand seismic forces from an earthquake. Shutters will block out any object that will come in and will stop glass from shattering which could cause injuries or death base isolators will help a building withstand an earthquake as they sway the building the way an earthquake is going and bounces the building up and down. A deep foundation will make it more harder for a severe earthquake to take the building down and in a smaller magnitude earthquake it will hardly affect the building.

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it all depends on the material that they build there building. In this case a brick building can resist if it has a good foundation of ground if not it could collapse. My best guess is less than 7.o or 6.6.

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Here is an example Where?

What are Seismic hazard maps used?

When building a house, regional seismic hazard maps are used to find the best (or the worst) place to locate for earthquake shaking. Although greatly confused with its sister, seismic risk, seismic hazard is the study of expected earthquake ground motions at any point on the earth.

How are buildings built to withstand volcanoes?

There are no building standards for structures that include designs for withstanding volcanic action. If a building could somehow survive the blast and the intense heat as well as seal out the toxic gas, it would have to withstand being buried in molten lava.

What is the best type of earthquake resistant bracing for a building?

The main noticing thing is the earthquake level of the place and also the distance from the sea.

When might it be best to leave a car or bus during an earthquake?

Wait until the shaking stops. Then, get out to an open space. Don't go under overpasses or bridges. They collapse in an earthquake. If you are moving you may not feel the quake.

Is it better to have a building on soft sand or hard rock at the epicenter of an earthquake?

Now, see, if you built a building at the epicenter of an earthquake, no matter what what ground is there, the building will inevitably collapse. Near an earthquake's epicenter, though, is a different story. The best ground would definitely be solid, packed soil. The best foundation for a building would be isolated, unless you had a smaller building like a house, which would be better off with an anchored foundation. The best type of building would have steel frame crossties-only on a skyscraper or tall, large office building like in New York, though.

Should people leave the school building as soon as an earthquake strikes? depends when on the situation you are in. If you are not sure, my best advice is to listen to what earthquake experts say:-)