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any shark actually.

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Q: What kind of shark eats squid?
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What eats a squid besides a shark?

Sperm Whale, Turtles and ME!!!

Do squids and sharks have the same prey?

no shark eats squid

What do hammer shark eat?

The hammerhead shark eats a variety of foods. This shark eats many types of fish, squid, small sharks, and sting rays.

What eats a goblin shark?

sting rays, mollusks, crabs, squid

What shark eats almost every thing?

The blues shark eats almost anything, but mostly squid. Please contribute by clicking "Trust".

What eats Caribbean reef squid?

Squid are apparently SO tasty that EVERYthing eats squid, if they can -they've been found in stomachs of whale, dolphin, shark, and any fish larger than the squid in question.

Why is the whale shark harmless?

Becouse the whale shark has no sense of smell or taste so it eats coral, fish,and squid! ;) Chloe White (7th grader)

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some type

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When a squid eats a scrip how is it digested in a squid?

because it eats it fol

Where are giant tortoises located in the food chain?

Giant squids are pretty much at the top of the food chain. They eat blue whales, they'll even eat sharks, that's if they attack the giant squid. They'll eat anything that bothers it, even humans. Felipe Vasquez III

What kind of shark eats a sea lion?

The Great White Shark will eat a seal or sea lion.