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Shelties are known to be very intelligent and trainable dogs.

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Q: What kind of small dog is easiest to train?
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Related questions

What are the most easiest way to train your dog?

Discipline, treats, or some people use flickers which you can buy at PetsMart. It also depends on what kind of dog you have.

What is the easiest animal to train for television?

I would say a dog.

Easiest trained small dog?

The labradodle because it has the size of a small sdog but the smartnes of a lab.

What is the easiest kind of dog you could get?

i would say the easiest kind of dog you could get would be a golden retreiver. Although all dogs have different personalitys these dogs are very laid back (is you pick the right one)

What are some tips to teach dog obedience?

To train a dog to obey certain commands, such as sit or come, one can reward it with a small treat each time it successfully obeys the command. When doing this kind of training before a meal the dog will be more interested in the food and will therefore train more efficiently.

Can you take a small dog to the train?

To or on a train. Dogs are allowed on trains but it depends on the operator - best to check with the operator before travelling. Yes. Whether you can enter the station or board a train with the small dog depends on where you live, which rail network you are using and their policies.

Which is better dog gherman shepred or rotwiller?

My suggestion is that a German Shepard is a better, kinder dog. But it also depends on how you train it! If you train it well, and love it, it could be a great dog. NO matter what kind!

Which breed of dog is easiest to train?

By my knowledge it is the labrador retreiver and golden retireiver. Also, almost any dog that is a mix breed of these, like the labradoodle, has the alot of the traits found in these breeds. If you want a smaller dog or hypoallergenic dog that has the same traits, just look for labradoodles. They have the same easy training and energetic traits but can be small/hypoallergenic.

What is a havanise?

it is a dog from havanas very good to train and doesent shed and small

What types of dogs help people?

Usually the dog is a labrador as they are the easiest to train and there big so cars would see them easier. but they can be any dog type as long as its trainable.

Where is the small girl and dog in Professor Layton and Pandora's Box?

The girl and the dog are on the Observation Deck at the rear of the Train.

Free tips on how to train your dog?

well first you have to be patient until your dog gets it then give your dog a small treat if he/she gets it and remember no dog is stupid. :) :) :)