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Q: What kind of spider looks like a bid swollen up tick?
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it is a spider

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the banded tunnel web spider

What kind of spider looks like it has a black head and legs with a grey body with spikes on its back?

the spider is the crab spider

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it looks like a normal monkey but the face looks a bit like a spider. hence spider monkey

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A kind of spider that has a back that looks like a skull with lime green legs and a white back could be a Golden Silk Spider. The skull is clearly marked on a Golden Silk Spider.

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A Lol Spider? xD

What kind of spider has black and white stripes and an egg sack that looks like a face?

a scary one

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brown recluse spider

What kind of spider has white legs and body looks like a glow in the dark skull?

That would be a crab spider. Also called a flower spider. (misumenoides formosipes) Totally harmless.

What kind of spiders build a web that looks like a tunnel?

I think the answer to your query is a "funnel spider"............ but don't hold me to that........

How does a spider looks like?


What is this spider?

I'm curious to find out the type of spider this is. I live in Southern California. Has anyone seen a spider that looks like this?