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The stem of a banana is called a pseudostem - a false stem - and is made of the rolled bases of leaves. It is quite solid but not woody like other herbaceous plants.

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Q: What kind of stem did banana tree have?
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What is the difference between the palm tree and the banana tree?

guava tree has hard stem while banana plant has soft stem

What type of stem does a banana have?

Banana tree is soft stem. Because you can poke your nail inside

What kind of food does a banana tree make?

a banana

Which end of the banana is the banana top?

the end which you peel it from i think thnx xxxx

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Woody Stem

Is banana considered a tree shrub or a herb?

Bananas do not grow on trees. The Banana plant is the largest herbacious flowering plant. The upright stem in known at the Pseudostem which produces a single bunch of bananas. After fruiting the psdeudostem dies.

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How tall do banana trees grow?

A banana tree is not actually a tree, it is an herb. Cuban Red banana tress can grow to a height of 25 feet.

Is the banana tree trunk an herb or tree?

Banana tree is a herb. Although referred to as banana trees, they are not trees at all but a perennial herb. Its trunk is not a true one, but many leaves tightly wrapped around a single stem which emerges at the top as thefruit-bearing flower stalk.

What kind of stem does a breadfruit have woody or herbaceous?

breadfruit has a herbaceous stem!:) Edited answer; Being a tree breadfruit has woody stem

Is it a banana tree or bush?

Bananas do not grow on trees. The plant is the largest of the Herbacious plants growing some 20 to 25 feet high. The main stem is called a pseudostem which dies back after the fruit has been harvested Tree. Bananas grow on trees.

What is banana stalk?

A banana stalk, or the main upright stem is known as a Pseudostem