

What kind of things occur while being a police officer?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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As a police officer, your going to be dealing with mostly the negative aspects of the community in which you work(thats not to say you wont deal with good things either). Anything you can think of - is what you will be dealing with. If you've ever watched Cops, you have a very small idea of the things to come..... Hope that helps?

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Q: What kind of things occur while being a police officer?
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An on the spot fineAnother View: (in the US) Although this is a BIG country, I am not familiar with ANYWHERE in the nation that this should EVER occur. If it does it is an illegal shakedown, and the criminal charge can be 'Extortion.'

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Probable cause to believe that an offense is, has, or is about to occur at a particular identifiable location. This is presented to a judge in writing, signed and sworn to by the applying officer (known as an affidavit), and if the judge agrees they issue a warrant.

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