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Bacterial infections are treated with the antibiotic Cipro (ciprofloxacin).

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Q: What kind of throat infection does Cipro treat?
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What kind of infection cause swollen lymph nodes?

throat infection.

What kind of doctor would be best to treat a severe eye infection?

The specialist best suited to treat your eye infection depends on the type and location of the infection. See an ophthalmologist as a first step, and follow his or her recommendations about consulting a subspecialist if needed.

What kind of infection cephalexin cure?

It is generally used for upper respiratory infections (bacterial), but can be used to treat a UTI (urinary tract infection).

What kind of sickness includes symptoms of throat pain and breathing difficulty?

Asthma, sinus infection, common cold, phenomnia.

Can Cephalexin cure BV?

Ciprofloxacin is not used to treat vaginal bacterial infections. Gonorrhea and chlamydia, for instance, do not respond to Cipro. Cipro is not used to treat bacterial vaginosis. Cipro and other fluoroquinolones are rarely, if ever, used for any kind of vaginal infection.

What is erythrocin used for?

The drug is an antibiotic and used to treat infections.

How do you treat a fish infected eye?

first, figure out what kind of eye infection it is. Then, go to the pet store and find medicine for your fish. Treat it, and hopefully it gets better.

What kind of medicine I'm going to take if i have urinary infection?

You can take an over the counter urinary pain relief medicine. But you will need to get seen by a doctor so you can also get a prescription for Cipro or another similar antibiotic.

Can Cephabell Efalexin treat a chest infection?

Cephabell contains cephalexin which is an antibiotic used to treat infections of any kind which are caused by bacteria. Cephabell is in the antibiotic medicine group called Cephalosporins which kill off the bacteria causing the infection. Cephabell can be used to treat infections such as: 1. Respiratory tract (e.g. throat, tonsils, chest and lungs) 2. Nose (e.g. sinusitis) 3. Ears (e.g. otitis media) 4. Skin 5. Genitourinary tract (e.g. kidneys and bladder)

Can you use ciprofoxacin to treat yeast infection?

As you know Bactrim (sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim) is an antibiotic used to treat yeast infections, urinary tract and ear infections.Here is a research that i found on the internet about this topic:Yeast infections are becoming more and more common nowadays and part of the reason for that is antibiotics. There are tow types of antibiotics, narrow spectrum that target one type of bacteria and broad spectrum that target a range. The latter type of antibiotics cause yeast infections.So as a bottom line treat your yeast infection from the 1st symptoms and try to prevent these kind of infection because you will be the only one to suffer.

What kind of bird lives in your throat?

No birds live in your throat.

Can you use neomycin to treat cats' upper respiratory system infection?

Only a veterinarian is able to tell you which kind of antibiotic is convenient for the cat. Also, he can tell you if the disease is an infection or inflammation. If it is an inflammation, antibiotics are not indicated.