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Q: What kind of underwear do Arab men wear?
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Do amish men wear underwear?

It's against the Ordinance for the men to wear underwear.

Is it necessary for men to wear underwear?

i never wear underwear at the weekend and neither does my freind, were only 8! we do wear underwear at school though.

Why underwear for men and women?

Men and women wear underwear so as to preserve or keep their private parts private.

What do English people call underwear?

i am from England we wear briefs boxers briefs and boxers all kind of underwear all older men wear briefs all teens boxers briefs so that helped you

Did Jesus wear underwear?

at that time they did not have them for men so no

Is it dangerous for women to wear underwear to bed?

No. Men and women wear underwear to bed all the time and nothing bad happens to them.

Why dont men wear underwear?

Some men don't wear underwear because they feel it is restricting. There is also concern that the friction and additional heat can reduce sperm count.

What are the components of men's underwear?

In men's underwear, generally, there is some kind of fabric, a comfortable waistband and a Pocket for my package.

Why do people have to wear underwear?

For women it is for privacy, I mean we all probobally know about skirts flying up in the wind or nosy posy men, so for lady's safety wear underwear. For men it is because men need to be sanitary, and so they wear underwear to keep other parts of there body clean.

What is gay men briefs?

Gay men wear the same kinds of underwear as straight men.

Why do some men not wear underwear?

Because they just love to air it out

Why is it a big deal when men wear womans underwear?

It's not normal