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As far as modern uniforms go, the soldier wears both 8-pocket fatigue pants outfitted with durable material and seams and a fatigue smock that is a long-sleeved shirt that is also rugged and durable and have Velcro pads on the shoulders and each side of the chest for placeing insignias and unit patches. The U.S. Military leads the way in advancing uniforms with the adoption of digital uniforms. Currently, the Marines wear MARPAT (MARine PATtern), a camouflage that is made up of many tiny squares of different woodland colors to hide the wearer. MARPAT is available in winter, desert and woodland patterns. The Army has a similar type called ACU (Army Combat Uniform) and is also based on digital squares. However, the army version sports variations on gray and very light green/blue on their uniforms. Finally, the Air Force has developed a similar pattern based on digital squares and the tiger stripe pattern. All 3 uniforms help to mask a soldiers IR (InfraRed) signature.

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Q: What kind of uniforms do soldiers wear?
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