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double bubble is the easiest to blow with.

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Q: What kind on gum is easiest to blow a buble with?
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Who created a freestyle stroke?

a buble gum did

How do you make a conclution about buble gum?

put it in your but and seat

Where can i buy bazooka buble gum?

better question: Where can you NOT buy bazooka bubble gum

Does the sugarness of the gum make the gum blow bigger?

Yes and No. I depends on wich kind of buble gum you're talking about. In Hubbah Bubbah Max, yes. They sugar particles are so packed, there are so many that they will stick together and with great amount of air pressure, will stretch and become bigger. However, in stick gum likeDoublemint, there are fewer so they don't stick together as much and don't stretch! Simple =)

What kind of gum makes the biggest kind of bubble?

None, all you need to do is to blow carefuly

What is the substance that makes gum blow?

Chewing gum base is a natural gum called chicle harvested from the sap of a tropical tree called a sopapilla tree. This kind of gum is chewy but it will not blow a large bubble. Bubble gum base, on the other hand, is a mixture of starches and polymers made in a laboratory and specially formulated to blow bubbles.

What does the Earth's crust smell like?

like buble gum haha

What kind of sap is used to make chewing gum?

Pine sap is easiest and most common.

Where is mount Mitchell located in the Appalachian mountain range?

know idea oh you should go on so fun lol my name is pink buble gum or pink buble gum 223443 both people are me

What gave Walter diemer the idea to make buble gum?

Walter Diemer created bubble gum by accident after he was toying with new recipes for chewing gum.

How is gum messy?

You step im it and find it under tables and even when you make the buble it sticks to your face and etc gum is gum and you cant really change it xD

When did frank Henry fleer invent bubble gum?

Ordinary gum doesn't blow bubbles, as you probably already know. Nobody knows exactly who or why somebody would have thought of blowing bubbles with it. But when chicle gum got to North America, grown men wanted to make a kind of elastic gum that could blow bubbles. In 1906 a man named Frank Henry Fleer developed a kind of gum that did that.