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[Found at - The Official Web Site of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts] If you don't fully understand what the doctor is saying, ask him or her to explain further. Many men find it helpful to write down their questions ahead of time. Below is a list of some common questions that men have. You may have others. Jot them down as you think of them and take the list with you when you see your doctor. What is causing my prostate symptoms? Are they a sign of cancer? What tests do you recommend? Why? If I don't have cancer, what can I do about my symptoms? What if they get worse? If I do have prostate cancer, where can I get information about my treatment options?

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Q: What kinds of questions should someone concerned about prostate cancer ask his doctor?
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Is there a correlation between prostate cancer and prostate hypertrophy?

No. Someone having an enlarged prostate does not mean they will develop cancer.

When larry's blood test showed a very high PSA level his physician was concerned about the possibility of prostate cancer.?

Prostate-Specific Antigen

How come someone with prostate cancer doesnt give cancer to his partner?

Because cancer isn't contagious.

Should only older men be concerned about prostate cancer?

In some instances, prostate cancer can strike younger men in their 40’s and 50’s, especially if there is a family history of prostate cancer, as well as older men. All adult men need to learn about this cancer and pay attention to their bodies." [From the Prostate Cancer Prevention and Control Initiative info page on, the official Web site of Massachusetts.]

What is the difference between deaths from lung cancer and deaths from prostate cancer?

lung cancer is in the lungs, prostate cancer is in the prostate.

What are some of the treatment options for a person diagnosed with prostate cancer?

"Some treatment options for someone diagnosed with prostate cancer is to undergo radiation and chemotherapy. Depending at which stage of cancer you are in, this may be your best option."

What does a PSA test screen for?

"Someone takes a PSA test to look for signs of prostate cancer. The PSA can help identify cancer early on, when treatment is most likely effective. It can also be done by a simply available blood test."

At what age should men be concerned with prostate health?

Men, aged 50 and above, should be concerned with prostate health, although new thinking in the medical community suggests that men begin having checks as early as 30. A simple PSA test can screen for signs of prostate cancer.

What is the contact information for The Prostate Cancer Infolink?

The Prostate Cancer Infolink.

Can prostate cancer develop in teenagers?

Age isn't necessarialy a requirement for prostate cancer. Cancer doesn't care what your age is, and with prostate cancer it's only concerned with growing. If you, or someone you know suspects that there might be anything wrong with their prostate, you need to go to your Dr. ASAP! This should not be put off, or, one of those "let's wait and see what happens" deals. This can be an aggressive fast growing cancer, if you give it time to grow, the cost is high! So, don't risk it, get checked out and make sure they run the test for prostate cancer, if that is your concern. That way, you can relax once you see the test results, not just rely on what the Dr. says, then secertly worry. Sometimes you have to push your Dr. to get them to run a certain test, but you are the patient, ask for what you want and get it. Hopefully all will turn out cancer free, but don't forget in your relief, what are the reasons that have caused you to be concerned in the first place. Then you need to follow up and find out what the cause of those are. Good Luck.

Where can I learn about prostate health?

The Prostate Cancer Foundation, the U.S. Army's Prostate Cancer Research Program, the Institute for Prostate Cancer Research, the National Cancer Institute, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention all provide information on the latest research on prostate cancer.

What different treatments are there to cure prostate cancer?

Procedures to treat prostate cancer and chemotherapy, radiation therapy or surgery. Surgery can include removal of cancer from the prostate, or removal of prostate gland.