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animalia @mikegunz

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Q: What kingdom has the following traits multicellular cannot photosynthesize contains DNA in nucleus?
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An organism has the following traits multicellular cannot photosynthesize contains DNA in a nucleus. what kingdom does this most likely belong in?

animilia, or animals, are multicellular, cannot photosynthesize, and have skulls / apex it says it's correct, not sure why anyone answered, though.

What kingdom contains only multicellular organisms?

Animalia contains only multicellular organisms.

Which kingdoms of living things contains eukaryotic multicellular organisms that can photosynthesize?

Plant Kingdom is the only one that can photosyntesize.

What kingdom contains multicellular organisms that do not make their own food?

The fungi kingdom contains non-photosynthetic multicellular organisms that digest their food externally. Examples of fungi are yeasts, smuts, molds and mushrooms

Which kingdom contains organisms that have cell walls of chitin and cannot photosynthesize?

Fungi has a cell wall of chitin and cannot photosynthesize

Is kingdom fungi unicellular or multicellular?

It contains both. Kingdom Protista is a large and very diverse group of organisms and can live as unicellular, multicellular, and in some cases, colonial cells.

Which kingdom contains the most complex organisms on the planet are multicellular and heterotrophic?

Animalia-- animals

What kingdom is of a kingdom?

Kingdom Plantae contains plants. These are multicellular eukaryotes that undergo photosynthesis to respirate and make food. They are immobile and have cellulose walls.

Which kingdom contains multicellular heterotrophs that are usually motile lack cell walls and chloroplast?

its animalia

A kingdom that contains multicellular eukaryotes that contain cell walls made of cellulose?

D. Plantae

What kingdom contains photosynthetic multicellular organisms that live on the land?

plantae, monera and protista

What is a kingdom of plantae?

Kingdom Plantae contains plants. These are multicellular eukaryotes that undergo photosynthesis to respirate and make food. They are immobile and have cellulose walls.