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It is a virus, therefore it isn't alive and can't be classified into one of the kingdoms. It's just a virus.

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Q: What kingdom is the common cold virus in?
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Does the virus cause a common cold?

Yes a virus does cause the common cold.

Where did the common cold come from?

The common cold is caused by a virus passed from person to person. This rhinovirus is the virus that causes the common cold.

What best describes a rhinovirus?

a virus that causes the common cold

What is the rhino virus Howrse answer?

the rhino virus is the common cold

Is the common cold virus a lytic or lysogenic virus?


Is the common cold an active or inactive virus?

Cold sores are caused by a virus HSV-type 1.Yes oral herpes is a viral infection.

What colour is the common cold virus?


What is a virus that can cause cancer?

The common cold

What are the common cold and flu examples of?

A virus.

Is common cold infectious or noninfectious?

The common cold is infectious. It is a upper respiratory infection caused by a virus.

Why do you get common cold?

Because a cold-causing virus has been introduced to your body.

Is the common cold and HIV from the same virus?

No the cold virus is rhinovirus,where as HIV&AIDS is a retrovirus it reproduces by changing DNA into RNA.