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Q: What kingdom is the red sided garter snake?
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Are there snakes in churchill Manitoba?

Yes. Five species of snake are found in Manitoba. The most common is the red sided garter snake (Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis). The plains hognose snake, Northern red belly, Plains Garter snake and Smooth green snake. Of the five the hognose is a species at risk.

Black snakes with stripes in South Dakota?

Kingsnakes maybe? Pale Milksnake? If you mean vertical stripes it is probably a Western Plains Garter snake or a Red sided garter. Maybe a lined snake.

What would be the Respiratory quotient of snakes?

I am running trials right now on the Red-Sided Garter Snake. I just calculated an RQ of .794 for my latest trial.

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Northern Elephant Seal, Coho Salmon, Tule Elk, Common, Murres, California Red-legged Frog, Seastars, California Red-sided Garter Snake

Is a red and black checkered garter snake poisonous?

Technically garter snakes are venomous, but it is too mild to be a danger to humans.

Is a red tongue brown snake poisonous?

No. There is not a set tongue color for poisonousand harmless snakes. A garter snake has both red and black on its tongue

What snake has a red stripe?

Many snakes have red stripes. In the northern U.S and Canada, the most common are the King snake, the coral snake and several species of garter snake. Note: only the coral snake is venomous.

What kind of snake has black and tan markings?

Snakes with general black and tan markings are most than likely Common garter snakes. These can include the red-sided garter or eastern garter snake. Common garter snakes can grow to anywhere from 48 to 54 inches.

Can you feed your red tail boa a garter snake?

Absolutely NOT ! Boa Constrictors are RODENT eaters !

Do hawks eat garter snakes?

No. Hawks are too big for garter snakes to eat. It is more likely that a hawk would eat a garter snake.

Can a red ear slider eat a garter snake?

No, because a red-eared slider lives in ponds and lakes and garter snakes live in grassy fields. They also have different humidity requirements.

Do red-belly snakes and garter snake get along with each other or will they eat each other?

Garter snakes eat other snakes. If the other snake is small enough for the garter snake to fit into its mouth, it will eat it. You should not put two different snakes together in any case - reptiles are not social animals, and do not enjoy being in the same cage with each other.