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It was spread. Asoka because he decided to relieve suffering rather than cro cause it. He sent Buddishm to China and Egypt.

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India and Asoka

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Q: What lands did Buddhism spread into?
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What role did missionaries play in spreading Buddhism?

Missionaries had to travel to distant lands to spread Buddhist teachings.

What factors help explain why both Buddhism and Christianity spread widely beyond the lands of birth in the early centuries common era?

Missionaries, committed to the cause of either Christianity or Buddhism, spread the respective religions to other lands.

Into what lands did Buddism spread?

Buddhism first spread throughout India. Then it spread into China. As it spread into China it spread into Sri Lanka and then to Southeast Asia. From China it spread into Tibet, Korea and Japan. As of now Buddhism is practiced in all of the continents except Antarctica, (unless of course a Buddhist happens to be visiting). Buddhism is most prevalent in Asia and least prevalent in Africa. Buddhism is the fastest growing religion in Europe and North America. So Buddhists now are everywhere

Did Buddhism spread fast in India?

Yes Buddhism spread fast in India.

What was the king's name who spread Buddhism?

Asoka was the name of the king who spread Buddhism.

Three of the lands in Asia to which Buddhism spread?

ur mother I think its China, India and asoka.

Did Hinduism spread like Buddhism?

Hinduism started in India, and is more ancient than Buddhism. Buddhism also started in India, but spread to china.

When was buddhism spread?

Buddhism originated about 2500 years ago.

What did Asoka spread?


How do Buddhist spread their religion?

Missionaries had to travel to distant lands to spread Buddhist teachings.

What did prince Shotoku spread?

Buddhism from China & Korea.

How wide spread is Buddhism in todays China?

Buddhism has spread to most of China but, there is no exact places known so far....