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Q: What language does Arctic means bear?
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Who knows what word arctic and Antarctic mean. These are Eskimo words?

The word Arctic means "bear" and Antarctic means "No bear" referring to the polar bear. The polar bear lives only in the north pole

What does Bear means in Filipino language?

Filipino translation of BEAR: taglay

Where do you find most of the polar bears?

You would find a polar bear where the ocean is covered with ice. So that means you would fid a polar bear in Alaska, the Arctic regoion

Is there commensalism between a polar bear and an arctic fox?

Yup, the arctic fox follows around the polar bear, and eats the scraps the polar bear left behind. However, if the arctic fox annoys the polar bear, the bear will chase it off

What preys on foxes?

A polar bear preys on arctic foxes A polar bear preys on arctic foxes

Which is the one place which penguin do not live?

Except Arctic. Because there is a lot of Bear. From greek dictionary Arctic is Bear. While Antarctica is anti bear. So penguin live in Antarctica not in Arctic.

What do snorting and hissing mean in polar bear language?

Hissing means to stay away from the polar bear of her cubs while snorting means it thinks some other bear is stupid

What does Nunavut mean in Inuit language?

it means dog sleds gather here

Why is it called Antarctica?

The north polar regions are called the Arctic, a word that supposedly descends from a Greek word for "bear;" the extreme north was the region of the North Star, and the constellations of and near the North Star are the Great Bear and the Little Bear. The south polar regions are "anti-arctic," that is, as far away from the arctic as you can get. Therefore, Antarctic. Antarctica means Land of the Antarctic.

Which Arctic animal has the warmest fur--the Arctic fox the polar bear or the Arctic wolverine?

actually the arctic fox has the warmest fur. the arctic fox is usually killed for it fur because of this reason. em

How do you make a polar bear in Little Alchemy?

Arctic + bear

What type of bear lives in arctic areas?

The polar bear.