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The term "moccasins" comes from the Algonquian languages, which are a family of Native American languages spoken primarily in the northeastern U.S. and eastern Canada. The word was adopted into English from Powhatan, an Algonquian language spoken in Virginia.

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What country does the word moccasins come from?

the answer is: America

Do moccasins hybernate?

No, moccasins are not animals. Moccasins are shoes!

Where did the word moccasins come from?

the moccasin derives from the Algongquian language Powhatan word makasin (cognate to Massachusett mohkisson / mokussin, Ojibwa makizin, Mi'kmag m'kusun), and from the Proto-Algongquian word *maxkeseni (shoe).

When were moccasins first made?

The moccasins were made when the Indians were around.

What are moccasins made of clothing?

Moccasins are usually made from soft leather.

What do baby water moccasins eat?

sea moccasins eat weeds and grass

Where those moccasins cames from?

Moccasins came from the Native Americans. The Natives used them as shoes.

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How are moccasins made?

Here is a great video tutuorial and picture slide show on how Wassookeag Moccasins makes handmade moccasins in Maine: See Related Link Below:

English language come froma Albanian language?

Yes, English language come from an Albanian language.

Are moccasins Jewish?


Are moccasins open toed shoes?

No. Moccasins were more similar to slippers, and made from animal leather.