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Q: What language is kerstman?
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Why do they call Santa Claus kerstman in Netherlands?

The literal translation for kerstman is 'Christ(mas) man' :)

How do you say Santa in Holland?


What is the name for Santa Claus in Belgium?

In Belgium Santa Claus is known as Père Noël, Kerstman, Sinterklaas, or Saint Nicholas.

What does De Kerstman mean in English?

Santa Claus

What is the dutch name for santaclaus?

Santa is called '(de) Kerstman' in the Netherlands.

What is Santa's name in holland?

Sinterklaas (Santa Claus)

What is Father Christmas known as in the Netherlands?

de Kerstman. But Santa Claus originated from our Saint Nicholas, who we also call Sinterklaas.

What is Santa's helper in Dutch?

Zwarte Pieten are helpers in the Netherlands. Their name translates into English as 'The Black Men'. But they aren't Santa Claus' helpers in the Netherlands.Instead, they help 'Sinterklaas', a man who comes before Santa, on December 5th. He brings gifts and puts them in the shoes of the Dutch people.The real equivalent of 'Santa Klaus' isn't 'Sinterklaas' in the Netherlands. It's 'de Kerstman'. That translates into English as 'The Christmas Man'.

What is Dutch name for Santa Claus?

Santa Claus is known as "De kerstman" (lit. the Christmas man). The name Santa Claus is derived from the Dutch Sinter Klaas. He is the patron saint of children and brings them toys and candy. People in The Netherlands (together with other European countries) celebrate "Sinterklaas" on the evening of December 5th, or on the 6th.

What language does the word Santa Claus come from?

The word "Santa Claus" comes from the Dutch term "Sinterklaas," which is a shortened form of Sint Nikolaas, meaning Saint Nicholas.

What is Santa Claus called in Holland?

Holland has a St. Nicolas, which is called 'Sinterklaas' and visits Holland from Spain every year on December 5th and brings gifts for children, but also a man who drops by at Christmas, named 'Kerstman' (Christmas man). Sinterklaas is a more popular tradition in Holland. And even in the olden days "Sinterklaas" was celebrated in England and other countries, later this changed into Santa Claus. Also, "Sinterklaas" has different sweets/candy and a huge parade every year. And instead of hanging a sock, Dutch people "zetten hun schoen" (place their shoes) He is also called Santa Claus.

What do the Dutch people call Santa Claus?

Kerstman (lit. 'Christmasman'). There is also another holiday named after Sint Nicolaas (Saint Nicolas), also called Sinterklaas (of which the pronunciation is similar to Santa Claus).