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The Spartans wrote a dorian dialect of Greek.

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Q: What language is written by the spartan's?
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What language do the Spartans speak?

The ancient Spartans spoke Dorian Greek, a dialect of ancient Greek language. Modern Spartans, like most other modern Greeks, speak modern Greek with the usual regional variations. ..

What was the language spoken in Sparta?

Spartans were Greeks, and they spoke Ancient Greek like their neighbours.The Spartans spoke the Doric Greek language. The Spartans practiced the Greek Polytheism religion. Sparta existed from 900s 192 BC.The people of Sparta spoke Greek.

What do the Spartans speaks?

The ancient Spartans spoke Dorian Greek, a dialect of ancient Greek language. Modern Spartans, like most other modern Greeks, speak modern Greek with the usual regional variations. ..

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