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In most states you are looking at a possibly Looong jail sentence.

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Q: What law having a minor mistress having child with the mistress?
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If kick out as a minor is that against the law?

Child Endangerment.

Can you give alcohol to your minor child in your home in Connecticut?

The law was amended in 2006; prior to that, a parent could serve _any_ minor child an alcoholic beverage in public. As the law is now (2011), a parent may only serve _their_own_ minor child while on private property, or for religious purposes.

What does Kansas child custody law say about the age of a child to decide their home?

A minor may not decide until they are 18.

Can a minor receiving child support continue receiving support once he breaks the law and starts using drugs?

Typically, the custodial parent of a minor continues to receive child support until the minor becomes an adult or is emancipated.

What is the emancipation law in Delaware for a 17 year old who is with child?

In Delaware, a 17 year old who is pregnant may be eligible for emancipation if they are able to prove that they can support themselves and their child financially. They would need to file a petition with the court and attend a hearing to determine if they meet the requirements for emancipation. Ultimately, the court will decide whether emancipation is in the best interest of the minor and their child.

What is hammurabi's 14th law?

If a man steals the minor child of another, he shall be put to death.

If a mother is in jail in CA and minor child is living with Biological father in Michigan at what age can the minor child choose to live with maternal grandmother in Ca?

Age 18. Only Texas has that law.

What rights does a husband have to baby with a mistress?

Your husband has the right to raise the baby if he is the father. By law a man needs to support that child till he or she turn legal age. The only question now is, if your husband knows about the child will he leave you and move in with his mistress and his baby. He is in a big mess right now if that baby is his..

What other ways is there to get married as a minor?

The law here is very correct in banning child marriage in all forms, so there is no way to get a minor married of.

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Is there a law for harboring runaway child in Minnesota?

Yes, in Minnesota it is illegal to knowingly harbor a runaway child, as it is considered contributing to the delinquency of a minor. The individual who harbors the runaway child may face legal consequences for violating this law.

Child support Ontario emancipation?

As of 2014, there is no law that allows for the emancipation of a minor child from parents. Parents are required to care for the child until he or she reaches 18 years of age.